Weddings are EXPENSIVE! But if you plan carefully there might be a way to get some tax write-offs. Yes I said tax write-offs! Here are 6 you should pay attention while planning your wedding: The Venue. If you are getting married at a historical museum or garden, a state or national park, the fee you […]

Wedding Photographer
You just got engaged! Congrats!!! You now have to plan your wedding and that means you have lots of decisions to make. Decide your budget. Choose a date (but please remember you don’t have a date until you have a venue) Choose a venue and if you are getting married in the church make sure […]

This is my very first blog post and I will tell you about me and Ela Pop Photography. I had a camera since I was very little. I got my first camera from my grandfather who most likely bought during one of his work trips to Greece or Libia ( he can’t remember). I do […]